California governor blocks landmark AI safety bill


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Governor Newsom Vetoes Landmark AI Bill

California Governor Gavin Newsom has blocked a present AI safety bill

And this brings a strong opposition from major technology companies. The aim of the bill is to ensure safety and transparency on security audits and risk management .

Concerns over Innovation vs. Safety in AI Development

  1. Opposition from technology companies: They feel it is a hindrance as AI is in an advanced stage and it causes technological issues.

  2. Concern from Government: They are discussing with experts for further innovation and safety

  3. AI Safety Audits: The bill ensures there should be a thirty party to audits

  4. Implication on Global :This may affect on other countries

decision on AI

Kill switch

Senator Scott Wiener, who authored the bill, said the veto allows companies to continue developing an "extremely powerful technology" without any government oversight. A kill switch would allow organisations to isolate and effectively switch off an AI system if it became a threat.

Frontier Models

Development of official oversight is called this model .The bill "does not take into account whether an Al system is deployed in high-risk environments, involves critical decision-making or the use of sensitive data,"-NEWSOM

Future of AI Safety Legislation in California

Mr Wiener said the decision to veto the bill leaves AI companies with "no binding restrictions from US policy makers, particularly given Congress’s continuing paralysis around regulating the tech industry in any meaningful way."

OpenAI,Meta and Google raised their opposition for this bill as it crearte a hindrance in their technology world.


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